Making cheese by hand is half the game. The second half is “Affinage” or the art of proper cheese aging. And that takes perfect temperature, humidity and lots of time. Here it is done in an underground cave we built 26 feet under the mountain. Inside, thousands of cheese wheels are resting on thick Ash wood slabs and require constant maintenance. Our cave staff (Affineurs) turn, rub, moisten and tap the rinds to discern the process within. Based on experience, smell, touch and cores drilled from a wheel, we release small batches for sale anytime from two to eighteen months.
Every Spring our ewes give birth. Mostly to twins. That is part of the natural life cycle of most small ruminants (sheep, goats, even deer) which breed in the fall when the days are short and give birth in the spring when the lush young pasture grass is available for grazing. The spring lamb tours allow contact with some of the newborn lambs and goat kids after they have been weaned off their moms.